01183 34350907737 795 142info@screedeasy.co.uk


Hard Wearing Screed

Hard-wearing and tough screed for all floor solutions


Hard wearing screed

Hard-Waeraing Floor Screed

Does your building area have a particularly high requirement for robust flooring? Hard-wearing screed is the solution. This form of screed, provided by our experts at Screed Easy, is an excellent choice for manufacturing areas and any scenario where there is a real need for flooring that can withstand some serious punishment.

A staple for many

Hard-wearing screed is a fantastic choice for any place that has heavy, abrasive or high footfall. It’s commonly used in the most demanding of manufacturing and industrial environments and is able to maintain its visually appealing smooth finish despite the movement of large machines or the receiving of regular heavy impacts.

From regular thermal shock and impact through to higher than normal cleaning schedules, this type of screed flooring is commonly seen in areas where large airliners and heavy tonnage trucks and vehicles are moved and stored. Hard-wearing screed is durable, cost-effective and visually appealing, making it a staple for many industries across the UK.

An experienced team

 Screed Easy is based in Reading and is exceptionally experienced in the consistent and efficient laying of hard-wearing screed. We’ve installed this form of screed for many companies who all require a high level of safety and consistency for their working areas. Building on a reputation of trust, we stand today as one of the premier providers of hardwearing and other types of screed in the UK.

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Hard wearing screeding

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